Helping Others

The WordBloom Staff is serious about ministry involvement, active faith and individual social responsibility. We are driven by God's instructions to us "leave some grain at the edge of your fields to feed the poor." We are challenged by God's words to Job when he challenged Job asking, "Did you put the stars into place?" We are certain that God's Words are not to be held hostage from the poor. We are determined to answer the standard of "If you have and do not give, the love of God is not in you."

Giving 10% of all Sales

We believe that providing WordBloom to the world is something that God told us to do. We know that we need to pay the bills, the staff and keep the data streaming into the "blooms" but we are compelled to give 10% of all sales to not-for-profit, evangelistic Christian ministries and charities around the world. These organizations and their applications are screened by our Charity Board on a regular basis.

Providing WordBloom Free to those in Need

Inspired by Last Days Ministries and Keith Green's revolt against the profit industry limiting those in need from having great Christian resources, we are happy to provide a 6 month membership (renewable) to any individual or family that demonstrates a financial need. Those in need can This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Department with a clear statement of their need and a request for a free membership.

We will not hold God's Word or His resources hostage.

Maintaining a Ministry-Minded Financial Plan

We are committed to keeping a fair annual subscription price that provides for the staff, investors and corporate longevity of Wordbloom while making the study tool accessible to virtually any personal budget.

WordBloom Free to Indigenous Third World Ministries

Our staff travels around the world serving people from all nations where the average ministry salary is often so small it is unbelievable. We are committed to providing access to WordBloom Internet and WordBloom Desktop to Third World Ministries. If you are in the third world or know someone who is, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Department with a statement of need, address of the ministry and the contact information of any department or home office that supervises the work.
