Proximity Searching

Remember to put AS: before all of your advanced searches!

Don't forget to put "quotes" around your search terms in this special search!

Proximity searching is powerful; really powerful. For example, what if you remember a Scripture (or want to find one) that has the words “God” and “Jesus” very close together? It was something like “God raised up Jesus” or “God lifted Jesus”.

The search results for God and Jesus in the same verse or passage are tremendous in number. What if you could “narrow” the results by searching for verses where the words “Jesus” and “God” are very close together - say, no more than 3 words apart?

This type of search is called a proximity search and it will not only narrow your results but more importantly it tells Intelligent Search what is most important to you. Verses where “Jesus” and “God” are close together are more important to you.

You would enter “Jesus and God” (in the quotes) and follow the quote with a tilde (~) and a number of words. The search looks like this: “Jesus God”~3 (1).


WordBloom centers the top hit (2) and automatically provides other suggestions (3) but puts those suggestions in a special order. The search results where “Jesus” is closer to “God” rise to the top of the pile while those results where “Jesus” and “God” are further apart move lower.

Notice in Acts 2:32 (which was centered 2 above) the words "Jesus" and "God" are one word apart (4 above).

It is important to notice that the user searched for words and WordBloom also gave verses at the top of the list. This is a great example of the power of WordBloom ’s Intelligent Search Technonolgy. Multiple words almost always show up in verses, commentaries or definitions but WordBloom™ will find the most relevant results.

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