Wildcard Search

Wildcard searches allow you to find things:
  • extensions of the term that you enter

  • that you don’t know how to spell or that have a varying character

Extensions of a Term

An extension of your search term means your search term plus anything. So if you entered dog*, the search engine would search for any words that contained “dog” as the first three characters. The results would include “dog” (as expected) but also “dog+anything”. For example, dogs, dogmatizo, dogma, dogged and many others.

This search can help when you want the plurals and adjectives of a word. For example, love* would find verses and results with love, loves, loved, loveth, loving, etc.

Varying Characters

The varying character search uses a “?” in place of any character or characters that may vary. So a search for “d?g” would return dog, dig, dug, etc. A search for d??g would find drag, drug, etc.

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